Do you want to increase your Pinterest follower count? Well that’s every user dream to have millions of follower’s right! The same thought came to my mind when I started using Pinterest. Well those who are new to Pinterest, let me tell you what exactly is it. Pinterest is presently 2nd biggest social networking website and no.1 Image bookmarking site as per stats via (Shareaholic) holding 7.10% share. With such a large audience base who doesn’t want to use such a wonderful website?
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Before moving further, let me tell you something (believe me I won’t take too much time b’coz I know you are eager to know the tricks) increasing followers count is not a one day wonder, and though there is no magic trick for it. When I started to use Pinterest I thought increasing followers is simple & easy. But after performing several experiments & hacks, I came to the conclusion that to increase follower count you need to have a lot of patience and creativity.
5 Tested Ways to Increase Pinterest Follower Count & Engagement
1.High Quality Image – Whenever you are posting a new image, try to use a good quality image or a HD image. Good quality image is perfect photography wonder. Earlier I use to pin ordinary images, but after using HD images I discover that image quality plays a vital role in pinterest. High quality images not only get better impression & repins, but they do get better likes and clicks. Also images pinned directly from website are more likely to get better response on Pinterest.
2.Pins from Authoritive resources & Websites – Pins with post title or from authority websites & brand get better response. Try to pin images directly from the website which results in inclusion of post title in the pins. Pins from authoritive websites like, Huffintongpost…etc, get better response. And if you have post with catchy title as explain the above point will give you better results.
3.Build relationship – Do you know the most crucial ingredients of social media? Any guess? – It is building relations with other users, pinners. Following niche based boards & pins are best way to increase followers. Don’t just follow anyone blindly, first analyze their boards, pins etc and then follow relevant pinners. Blind following won’t yield any results and it may increase your following count but won’t give you targeted followers or audience. It may happen that you will have few followers initially but all the followers will be targeted – which means getting more targeted audience. Login pinterest with Facebook and you will get more followers as your Facebook friend are more likely to follow you on pinterest. In short you will get targeted followers.
4.Pinalert: sing pinalert will help you to track pins from your competitor’s, we often forget to analyze competitors strategy, using such tool will help you to keep record of every step of your competitors on pinterest. Just register with email on pinalert and you will get email alerts about competitors pins, images etc.
Register on pinalerts using any email ID and get started. Click the register button and enter your email, password and register.
After registering you will get an email verification mail. Open the link in the verification email and verify your account. Login and start using Pinalert. Now it’s time to step up first pin alert. For that follow this page and follow the steps
By filling all the information as shown in the above image, you can track pins of any domain you want except pins from Facebook, Amazon (as such big websites have too many pins every second, it is hard to manage alerts for such a big websites). Now adjust alerts setting as per your need and get started.
5.Motivational Quotes – Posting images with text, memorable quotes are really a powerful medium to increase engagement. Images with text are more likely to get repins than with images without text. Also quotes and inspiration lines are more likely to get repins and likes. Even pinning celebrity, athletes, sports star images with inspirational lines & messages results in more image clicks and likes.